Chairman's Message

Chairman's Message

There are a lot of efforts by many individuals, trusts, and organizations to take care of and provide shelter to cows. These are the institutions of great Indian cultural heritage giving concrete examples of India's reverence & affection for animals, particularly for cows.

Many cows meet with road accidents and get injured and some fall sick due to various medical reasons. These cows when injured or sick are unable to walk or find food. Very few recover but many die miserable death after suffering for days from pain and hunger.

We at Raya Naik Memorial Gowshala Trust, Hankon will take care of their needs during critical times by providing them with food, shelter, clean drinking water, nursing and medical care so that these cows will survive to their maximum life span.

It is said in our Vedas and Puranas, that offering sincere service to humble cows is one of the most revered ways to express your devotion towards God.

Additionally, Gow Seva has been an integral part of the Vedic culture and heritage. So, anyone who engages in feeding cows and offering cow care gets infinitely blessed with good fortune, happiness and strength.

Let us all try to help these Gowmatas and Nandis to have a good life. And by mere saying it will not benefit the cows. A whole hearted participation is needed from all the people of the community.

I hope that this initiative of Gowseva for aged, sick and injured cows will get cooperation from every person irrespective of religion, caste and creed.

Elevate the joy of birthdays or anniversaries by commemorating the occasion with a thoughtful donation to the goshala.

Please note

This is a nonprofit making trust for philanthropic,charitable and benevolent purpose with a motive to care for the aged and injured cows.

How can we help?

Narayan N. Savant
