Raya Naik Memorial Gowshala Trust

Shelter for aged and injured cows

Daily Activities

Dedicated cow care with feeding, cleaning, grooming and medical attention.


Wrinkled cows find comfort, sharing stories of strength and survival.


Support animal welfare. Donate, volunteer, provide goods/services. Make a difference.

Cow and little calf at grassy meadow in forest. India
About RN Goshala

Nurturing abandoned cows with compassion and community support

Our mission is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the cows, who are often neglected or abandoned. The Gowshala provides medical treatment, nutritious food, and clean living space for the cows in its care. This Gowshala is constructed with all facilities by an amiable individual and handed over to the registered trust. The Gowshala Trust will operate on donations from kind-hearted individuals and is run by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about animal welfare.

A sanctuary for neglected cows

Special Features

15000 sq mts
Gowshala Area
3000 sq ft
Storage for dry fodder
Quarters for Staff
Medical Treatment & Laboratory rooms
Acres of Grazing Land
Caring for cows: A shelter of love.

Why Cows Are Important

The Sacred Significance of Cows in Indian Culture

Divine Connections

Association of cows with deities like Lord Krishna and Kamadhenu.

Medicinal Value

Ayurvedic beliefs about cow products and their healing properties.

Sacred Symbolism

Cows significance in Indian culture, religious beliefs, and traditions.

Cultural Celebration

Cows presence in Indian festivals, rituals, and community prosperity.

Ecological Impact

Cows' role in organic farming and soil enrichment with dung.

Rescuing Cows, Restoring Hope

How Can I Support?

A heartwarming journey rescuing cows and restoring hope. Join us today!


Support animal welfare, cows and contribute financially or with skills/services.

Raise Fund

Together, let's impact lives and promote compassion for all beings.

Sponsor Cow

Empower cow welfare, support and contribute to their well-being.


Opportunities for cow care, grooming, feeding, cleaning, and staff support.

What Patrons Say
